Rocker's wife performed CPR with the help of 911 dispatcher
By Stefani Kopenec, American Heart Association News
重金属贝斯手萨尔·意塔利亚诺和他的妻子在赌场度过了一天, Christine, and her 93-year-old aunt, 然后在回这对夫妇位于迪尔菲尔德海滩的家的路上,他们都吃了点东西, Florida.
Sal watched TV in one room, while Christine watched in bed. She dozed off, then woke briefly as she felt him get into bed.
When she woke up a little later, 这位68岁的音乐家张着眼睛和嘴巴坐了起来. Christine nudged him once, then twice. Getting no response, she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. She shook him so hard that he fell off the bed.
Christine immediately called 911. The Broward County Sheriff's dispatcher answered on the second ring. He asked if Sal was breathing. Realizing he wasn't, Christine's emotions surged.
"Please don't go to the light!" she screamed. "Stay with me!"
调度员让克里斯汀冷静下来,告诉她需要开始心肺复苏术. She didn't know how. So he told her exactly what to do.
She put the heel of one hand in the center of his chest, and placed the other hand on top and interlocked the fingers. She started compressions as the dispatcher counted with her. As the minutes ticked by, Christine grew tired, but adrenaline kept her going until paramedics arrived. 萨尔多次被抢救,包括在他的车道上.
At the hospital, 医生把萨尔送到了心导管实验室,这样他们就可以看看他的心脏了. They found three blocked arteries. He needed open-heart surgery. 心脏病专家给他插入了一个气囊泵,让他活到那一天.
医生们想做一种手术,从病人的腿部或胸部取出健康的血管,利用它们为血液在堵塞的动脉周围流动创造一条新的途径. 首先,外科医生需要确保萨尔的大脑还在运转. 没有人知道他缺氧多久了,现在他处于诱导昏迷状态.
Over the next two days, he was eased out of it. His eyes were wide open, but he didn't blink or squeeze a hand.
第三天,医疗小组告诉克里斯汀,他们会再给萨尔一天的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. 大家离开房间后,克里斯汀对萨尔说:“这是我们最后的机会了. 如果你在里面,你必须向我——向他们——证明你听到了我的声音."
Very slowly, he closed his eyes.
And very slowly, he opened them.
Christine ran to alert the staff. This was encouraging, 但在医疗团队签署手术协议之前,必须有人见证萨尔的反应.
后来,一位正在检查萨尔生命体征的护士看到,当克里斯汀问他时,他闭上了眼睛. 很快,15个人涌进了房间,当萨尔听到命令眨眼时,他们爆发出热烈的掌声.
萨尔不记得那一天,也不记得他的开胸手术,也不记得12月11日他的心脏骤停. 15, 2022. When he woke up, "it felt like I had a good night's sleep.他在医院度过了圣诞节,这对夫妇在新年庆祝得很晚.
The Staten Island-born bassist, 在长达数十年的职业生涯中,他曾与重金属乐队Cities和Anvil进行过世界巡演, credits being in good shape for his quick recovery.
With long, curly black hair, Sal looks the part of a rocker, 但他的生活方式并不像人们想象的那样抽烟喝酒. Instead, he was more like many people his age; he was taking medicine to control his blood pressure and cholesterol.
Weeks before his cardiac arrest, Sal played in Florida with friends Nicko McBrain, the drummer from Iron Maiden, and Tim "Ripper" Owens, lead singer of KK's Priest.
回到家后不久,他拿起了他那把轻巧的原声吉他. 一位理疗师告诉萨尔,他每两分钟交替做几组抬腿动作,保持了“完美线上电子游戏飞禽走兽”.
"I haven't even lost my body clock," Sal said.
As he recovers, Sal thinks a lot about CPR. 他感谢克莉丝汀的表演,也感谢调度员在他的“金属心”最需要的时候陪她度过难关.
Stories From the Heart 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.